I seem to end up talking on my cell phone every time I do a public demo ("Are you here? I'm at ____") and it's precisely my fear of someone snapping a photo of me just like this one that motivates me to hide when I do it. So I have the utmost sympathy for this guy! Still, you have to admit it's hilarious.
The LOL SCAdians (see the Contributors list) are a handful of whimsical SCA members who think LOL Speak is nifty and experience a curious joy in seeing it applied to an arena where (as far as we know) it's not been seen before ... the Society for Creative Anachronism.
In Medieval times, the court jester is reputed to have occupied a position that allowed him to make gentle fun of his lord, thus reminding us all that no matter what to heights we ascend, we are all human and prone to being foolish, thus improving the judgement and wisdom of the liege overall. The lord was humbled (but not in an unseemly way) and the populace was entertained.
In modern times, we call this a "win-win".
The LOL SCAdians seek to bring the spirit of the jester forward using the unique power of LOL Speak to shine an affectionately-humorous light on our SCA lifestyle and perceptions.
Remember, good gentle cousins, if we didn't love you all, we wouldn't be doing this!